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Martin Lelong was born in July 1998, in Brittany.  His passion for photography began in Thailand, where he worked as a diving instructor in training. Once underwater, with stars in his eyes, he only wanted one thing, to capture in the most beautiful way what he had just experienced, to see, to relive it tirelessly. Following his underwater adventure, he decided to go to India, to the heights of Ladakh. He has always had an interest in the cultural and religious traditions of Asian countries. During this trip he discovered his interest in portrait photography.   "I like to capture the soul of a country through the eyes of its population. Each portrait created is the fruit of beautiful encounters full of generosity. The dream that I pursue is to discover the world through all its cultures filled with colors, traditions and humanity ".

Entre Terre & Mer, le ciel nous guide


In this series, Martin Lelong wishes to highlight the culture of these two countries through the following elements: the earth, the sea and the sky (spirituality/religion), hence the name "Entre Terre & Mer, le ciel nous guide." 

Indeed, these two countries are linked by colonial history but are nevertheless very different, particularly on a religious level. In addition, the language spoken is not the same. In Sri Lanka, Sinhalese is the majority, while in India it is Indhi. However, they share a language in common that comes from South India, Tamil. 

Flowers lover, Martin Lelong
Le gardien, Martin Lelong
Voile, Martin Lelong
Pêche perilleuse, Martin Lelong
Under water, Martin Lelong
Spiritual looking, Martin Lelong
Team Martin, Martin Lelong
Working temple, Martin Lelong
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